It's true. Low fat foods often less calories than normal, "fat food." However, low-fat diet even less: fat-soluble vitamins, essential oils, proteins and some minerals. So loose, in the interest of a few calories, your body will, on request diet. And desire. And desire. How do you stuff more and more low-fat foods, you often never quite complete. "
However, you will often get sugar to replace high-calorie fat. " OK good enough to eat so that youless calories. But now you are always made with a sugar rush. As a pure sucrose enters the bloodstream, shoots the level of sugar and the adrenal glands by the body into a state of emergency, to respond to you a "high" feeling. The sugar-race around inside the body, so that the release of insulin from the pancreas. The rush of insulin, and decreases the level of sugar in the body below 100 mg / dl, and you feel tired. (Sort of like following astarchy food in the afternoon.) Your body tries to get rid of the excess sugar through urination or owners of sugar into fat cells in your body. While the body tries to restore homeostasis or to stabilize itself again, you feel a little tired. Your body will try to convert your blood sugar levels increase with the liver glycogen into glucose. Most people try to get rid of this feeling of fatigue by a further dose of sugar. And the cyclefurther.
A typical low-fat meal would be something like:
Apple juice, seasoned, low-fat yogurt, processed cereal (eg rice crispies ©) and a bran muffin.
Guess what? You're knocked back more than 36 teaspoons of sugar. You feel comfortable very well during the meal, but soon tired. This is the low blood sugar instead. So now you are better achieved for a cup of coffee to increase your energy. In turn, adds just the roller coaster effect of lowBlood sugar. As an additional insult to the seasoned, low-fat yogurt is often more calories than normal, natural yoghurt. These so-called "meal" leads more than 400 empty calories, and (in 2008), costs about $ 4.50.
Now add a little protein and fat at meals and the energy levels will increase slowly, but is more in line.
Try this for more even supply of energy:
2 egg whites (or whole eggs)
Water or herbal tea
Rolled oats 1 / 2 cup
Butter, 1 tablespoon cinnamon (forTaste)
This normal-fat meal provides about 200 calories more than 8 grams of protein, vitamins A, E, several B vitamins, minerals, and the much under-rated essential oils. Not to mention the cost of less than $ 1.00 per.
You not only have a more even level of energy you have to help even more vitamins and essential oils for the development of skin and brain cells and proteins to burn fat and sleep better!